Hold on to your hats kids, the dreaded Apocalypse is right around the
corner! What, you might say! Then again you may just return to your
trailer park, down a fifth of Johnnie Walker black and not give a damn.
So what makes me ready to huddle inside my 60’s style bomb shelter?
Well, this news flash just came in: Arlo Guthrie is a registered
Republican! Now for those of you too young to remember, Arlo Guthrie
was one of the original Hippies. His foibles were made famous in a
movie called “Alice’s Restaurant” which was loosely based on his song of
the same name. It was a pretty dumb movie (and song) and the acting
was atrocious, but I, like the rest of Hippiedom, thought Arlo was a
cool dude who just loved poking fun at “the man” in between drags on a
I’d like to point out that Arlo’s dad was the famous folksinger/social
activist/communist sympathizer Woody Guthrie, so for his famous son to
become a member of the evil Republican Party is like Osama bin Laden
becoming a Christian. It’s BIG news!
I wonder if this will start a new trend? Hmmm, maybe Sean Penn will
start quoting Ronald Reagan instead of Hugo Chavez; Jack Nicholson will
embrace Winston Churchill instead of Fidel Castro; Carlos Santana will
wear a Thomas Jefferson T-shirt instead of one with the image of Che
Guevara. Or how about Rosie O’Donnell; well, she could actually wear
two or three t-shirts. But I digress.
So, as an aging ex-Hippie, who woke up to reality on 9/12, I’m going
underground. At least until the planets realign and all is right with
the world.
Hopefully that happens in November.