The day after the election for 2016, “Morning has broken like the first morning…”
Like the old hymn inspires and the Bill Bennett’s old radio show moniker encourages, there is a new Morning in America…
And unlike the elections in 2008 and 2012 “The Market” (as in our stock market – the proxy for the working United States) closes UP 256.95 points. Overcoming the shell shocked futures on election night predicting a negative 700 point open. And compairing
Sad to say, the better part of the last decade has been mired in the slowest growth – after any the Finical Crisis – EVER. Again, sad to say, that President Obama’s policy’s have ensured that his administration is the first EVER not to achieve an economy that grows by 3% during some part of his term. Instead, we have over 94 MILLION fellow Americans of working age OUT OF WORK.
If Trump can accomplish what many of his presidential predecessors have done (at some point in their term): putting Americans back to work, then he will indeed “Make America Great Again.”
God Speed and God Bless America.