Well the news is not all bad:
For the most part, “supporters of the Republic’ were returned to office locally -with the exception of two very high profile House Races – where the Democrats sweep away both Tom Fenny and Ric Keller. Of course they both have had big targets of vulnerability due mostly to their own actions.
As I had explain to Ric Keller early on, his actions over the past two years vis-a-via not supporting W with the surge would certainly not sit well with his base; but, he assured me that; “our district would remain solidly in the republican hands”. I told him; “I wouldn’t bank on it!”
The marriage amendment passes, as do most of the ballot initiatives that favor some modicum of conservatism. And the Florida House and Senate remain with republic loyalists.
Despite what the “Fifth Column” will tell you, we are still fundamentally to the right of center at least here in
A brief note about voting irregularities – in our precinct: the only thing irregularity I noticed was the crush of ‘turn-out’. Since they were all given ballots by the poll workers I can only assume they were registered to vote in my precinct. That being said, after 16 years of voting in this same precinct I barely knew ANY of these people. Hey, as the past president of my Property Owners Association, I know by name many of my precinct residents and know the faces of most of the residents. So when I say I recognized less than 20% of those voting yesterday I was truly astounded by the “Get out the Vote” campaign.