Let the work begin

Roll up your sleeves


…and begin again the work of remaking America….” BHO



Prepared to be remade. But, remade into what?


After being on the giving end, both in money and in community
service, I find it quite offensive to be told; I need to be remade . . .
and  by inference that I’ve not given


American for all her “post-modern” sins, is still the greatest
country on earth, with the most generous and giving of peoples.  America and her people are the “First
Responders” to the world’s tragedies. What part of this America needs
to be remade?


has some of the worlds most productive and inventive people on the planet.
Think what the world would be like absent the inventions, discoveries, cures,
talents and vision of the American People. What part of this America needs to be remade?


and her people have done more to secure the blessings of liberty and Freedom
for others than any other peoples in the history of the world! What part of
this America
needs to be remade?

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