Why no resentment?

So, this week I get an email from a friend and client who asks: “… When will the overall resentment of local , state, and federal workers paychecks create major chasms in our societal fabric? …” Placing his question in context, my friend was referring to the new Federal pay… Continue reading

Posse Comitatus

Now that our Dear Leader has won his pre-ordained victory in an Arizona courtroom, you have to wonder why the celebration.  What have “we” won?  The lawsuit that was brought against Arizona on behalf of the American people really had no support from we the people.  It never did.  The… Continue reading

The Real Robert Byrd

In eulogizing Senator Robert Byrd-Democrat West Virginia, former President Bill Clinton-Democrat, Arkansas, said: “There are a lot of people who wrote these eulogies for Senator Byrd in the newspapers, and I read a bunch of them, and they mentioned he once had a fleeting association with the Klu (sic) Klux… Continue reading

It’s Not Just About Money

  How long do we continue to ignore the damage to America; in murders, maimings, kidnappings, car jackings, gang activities, drugs, environmental destruction and identity theft? It costs $2.7 billion annually in Arizona just to educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens. And what about the 30 million Americans out of… Continue reading

A Disclaimer

The preceding disclaimer was taken from Wilder’s copy of “The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Articles of Confederation.” Now, we’re not talking about Penthouse magazine, or violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto.  We’re talking about the founding documents of our republic.  Why would you need a… Continue reading

President Me

     I’ve often thought:  “What if I could run for President?”  After all, is not America the place where anyone can grow up to be President of The United States?  Haven’t we just proved that?  Of course, I’ve always rejected the notion for a multitude of reasons; the foremost being… Continue reading

2 + 2 = 4

Yesterday, obviously giddy over the Head Socialist’s victory over American liberty, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Kathryn Sibelius said that this legislation will cause the pharmaceutical industry to see its profits reduced by some $90 billion. A few questions come immediately to mind.  The first is obvious:  What the… Continue reading