TARP Strings
Tugging at my ‘heart TARP Strings’ Like some “B” movie plot, I can just hear the dialog now: Gangster: “We gave you the money, see” Banker: ” Yea;… but, we didn’t want the money and we didn’t ask for it” Gangster: “Well, you took money – and… Continue reading
don’t need no secret ballot
Secret Ballot Deprivation act
Rule of Law
Cram Down?/! – whiskey tango foxtrox -over? So what is Cram Down? It’s real name is H.R. 1106: Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009. This bill as passed by the House of Representatives allows a Judge to modify the rights of claim holders with respect… Continue reading
Milton Friedman – on Free Enterprise
Enticements of Entitlement
Like the serpent tempting us with the promise of “the knowledge of good and evil”, our Washington leaders hold out universal health care as the ‘apple’ for our current economic woes. But, as the apple brought ruin to paradise so too shall this. . . This wicked seduction is… Continue reading
Social Justice?
Social Justice and the New American Dream… As I riffed yesterday, from every direction, new code words are entering our main stream lexicon of speech and thought. Some of these new words like – Social Justice are re-forged in the smithy of old Marxist ideas. They then appear… Continue reading
Shared Sacrifice

I’ve been wondering what’s really been ‘going on’ for the last several months. especially since the election? Really been wondering, how could we’ve gone from “Hope and Change” to Communism and Confiscation in so short a time? Well it’s not by accident. Please take about 3 ½ minutes to watch… Continue reading
more Common Sacrifice
The War on Wealth continues, with a proposal for a GLOBAL New Deal. Confiscating the baser nature of Roosevelt‘s depression era propaganda, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and our own Dear Leader collude on a ponzi scheme of global proportions to require public spending on a huge world-wide scale.… Continue reading