Power to the Politburo

When President Barack Hussein Obama was campaigning for the presidency he made it a point, on several occasions, to say that if he were elected president that “95% of Americans making less than $200,000 a year would not see their taxes increase by a single dime.” So lets take a… Continue reading

2 + 2 = 4

Yesterday, obviously giddy over the Head Socialist’s victory over American liberty, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Kathryn Sibelius said that this legislation will cause the pharmaceutical industry to see its profits reduced by some $90 billion. A few questions come immediately to mind.  The first is obvious:  What the… Continue reading

High Cost of Social Justice

So, a year into Dear Leader’s Reader’s presidential term and we find that the whole “Hopey Changey” ‘thang’ was a bait and switch scheme from the jump.   While it should be no surprise that the most un-American of our Presidents – un-American being defined as having the least amount… Continue reading

Who’s To Blame

Watching the scenes of destruction from the Haitian earthquake has left me, like everyone else, deeply saddened at the loss of life and intense suffering of an already destitute Haitian population.  I’m sure you would be hard pressed to find a poorer country than Haiti. The outpouring of aid from around… Continue reading

Copen Haagen Dazs

Unless you’re living on some secluded island in the South Pacific or spend all of your time watching Dancing With The Stars, you’re probably aware of the Copenhagen Con that is going on this week in the land that gave us the Vikings (not to be confused with the NFL… Continue reading