Eyes Wide Shut

President Barack Hussein Obama this morning touted the increase of 431,000 jobs reported for last month, as a sure sign the economy is coming back strong.  Well, here is where we are going to have those pesky little facts jump in and ruin everything; yet again. According to a media… Continue reading

President Me

     I’ve often thought:  “What if I could run for President?”  After all, is not America the place where anyone can grow up to be President of The United States?  Haven’t we just proved that?  Of course, I’ve always rejected the notion for a multitude of reasons; the foremost being… Continue reading

Judgement Day

“Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.”  An oft overlooked phrase, that if the lame-stream media had done its job and done its research, would have shown the American people who Barack Hussein Obama really is and what he actually had in mind when he said that… Continue reading