ATLAH Worldwide Ministry
(hat-tip DL Tootle) Continue reading
(hat-tip DL Tootle) Continue reading
Well, here is what the FairTax means to Paul Wizikowski the winner of the FairTax grassroots challenge: “what the FairTax would mean to you” Continue reading
( Déjà vu daise your view )The peek in the rear view mirror of life is usually “20/20” or at least much clearer after the fact than a priori! And, occasionally we can catch a side glance of a current event that will give a clear glimpse into the… Continue reading
America trusts in the abiding power of prayer and asks for the wisdom to discern God’s will in times of joy and of trial. As we observe this National Day of Prayer, we recognize our dependence on the Almighty, we thank Him for the many blessings He has bestowed upon… Continue reading
Not an administration to let any crisis go unexploited “Dear Reader” and rabid antigun militants in his “thugocracy” are now using the cover of a Swine Flu, border wars, and drug trafficking to urging the passing of the CIFTA treaty – Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking… Continue reading
The World is Changing The Global culture our children inherit will be vastly different than what it is today! Continue reading
Collectivism, Socialism, Communism: “Women and children hardest hit.”.Stealing a play from the lib playbook, I’ll use a headline that is one of their favorites – you know the one they always use to grab your attention – the headline that declares whatever impending doom is coming – typically caused by… Continue reading
Yesterday, Tax Day – in the USA, the day to “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”! Yesterday, also a day to protest a Caesarian tax code as oppressive and tyrannical is old Gaius himself. In hundreds of cities nationwide, tens of thousands of American’s, many who shoulder the actual… Continue reading
As I riffed in Circle of Trust, blessing of faith, was founded on certain Judeo-Christian principles. Below is a video of Dear Leader Reader stating that we don’t consider ourselves a Christian Nation. Continue reading