Quiz Time
A labor union is:
Answer A:
Workers bind together to form Unions so that they together can fight for better work conditions. Without the power of the
Answer B:
Outdated social construct perverted from a once noble mission into socioeconomic virus destined to usher in the next great depression.
Answer C:
An association that uses thuggery, hooliganism, bribery, extortion and blackmail to get the wage level raised above its true value for its workers and the real reason jobs are shipped overseas.
Answer D:
The reason why the “Big 3” auto maker’s cars cost, on average, $2000 more than the same type car made domestically by their Japanese competitors everything made in blue states cost so much.
Answer E:
All of the Above.
No matter how you answer the question above, labor unions impact have had a deleterious affect on a free-market and apparently and probably only temporarily, on their own the bail-out future.
To their credit, Senate Republicans refused to back federal aid for
As similarly blogged in Shark Diving many people do NOT have a understanding of business – except that they believe that the purpose of business is to provide jobs (jobs, jobs, jobs baby.). And if a business fails and the jobs go away, then the assumption is; ” well okay I’ll just get another job”. . .
So the “Big 3 Bailout” or Car-pocalypse if you will, fails – due to UAW intransigence and the Republicans will get the blame.