Month: June 2010
say goodbye to one person one vote
Cover of Animal Farm: Centennial Edition Not that long ago, when we thought Animal Farm was just fiction, we read: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUALBUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. Now we know – it not fiction. Now we know that one man/woman one vote – Not so much!… Continue reading
The Good, The Bad and The Stupid.
Not long ago, Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco Treat, just about broke down when trying to pin the mantle of “violent extremists” on tea party participants: But, in spite of the media’s acceptance (without a shred of evidence) of her thesis, the only violence has been coming from SEIU thugs,… Continue reading
I can’t take credit for this as much of this is taken from an article written by Scott Wheeler from The National Republican Trust political action committee: On June 9, President Obama announced a 400 million dollar aid package to the West Bank and Gaza, which are currently two… Continue reading
It’s Not Just About Money
How long do we continue to ignore the damage to America; in murders, maimings, kidnappings, car jackings, gang activities, drugs, environmental destruction and identity theft? It costs $2.7 billion annually in Arizona just to educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens. And what about the 30 million Americans out of… Continue reading
A Disclaimer
The preceding disclaimer was taken from Wilder’s copy of “The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Articles of Confederation.” Now, we’re not talking about Penthouse magazine, or violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto. We’re talking about the founding documents of our republic. Why would you need a… Continue reading
The Diaphonous Man
We are at 50+ days and counting since the explosion of a BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and we still haven’t just plugged the “damn hole.” The destruction of our coastal environs is an unmitigated disaster, not only for the southern states directly affected, but for our… Continue reading
Socialism the opiate of the masses
So, as it turns out, “Religion” is NOT the “opiate of the masses!” Socialism is! Or, rather collectivism – in any of its forms – including its ‘sick sisters’ socialism and communism. And like most illicit opiate use, it spreads like a poison leaving sickness, dysfunction and despair in its… Continue reading
“We Con the World”
The Final Final Solution
One of my favorite movies is “Judgement At Nuremburg.” It’s a true story based on the trials of Nazi war criminals after World War II. If anyone doubts that evil exists in this world, watching this will quickly dispel those doubts. The images of thousands of corpses piled high in… Continue reading